Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Before the workshop

Am teaching a workshop at the new gallery run by the Conroe Art League starting tomorrow..  The city spent a fortune remodeling an old office building in the heart of downtown.  It is so beautiful.  The workshop room is fabulous, it has the original wood floors.  I finished this piece today to use as an example.  I always try to have some examples of different kinds of work to inspire the students.  .  Wish me luck.  I also had my website updated this week.  It is  Take a look.


Virginia said...

Pinterest works! I found your wonderful artwork there today. Oh I wish I could be there for the workshop.
All the best to you.

Liz Hill, irreverent Art said...

thanks Virginia, maybe in the future.

Glamour/30’s style

We draw from old films on some Sundays,this is  From “The Man Who Knew Too Much”, Albert Hitchcock  we draw from old movies every other Sund...