Friday, August 3, 2012

Back from Dallas

Went to Dallas with a fellow artist to see the Freud show, a not to be missed if you are anywhere near Ft. Worth.   The Modern art Museum has this show and probably the only opportunity to see his work unless you are going to England.  Day after I did another of my favorite models, Majella, from the Netherlands.  What character she has.  Am also working on another larger painting, but not ready to show it yet.


Boud said...

I love the flow and looseness of these paintings! is there any indication of their size, or did I miss that?ckeigna

Liz Hill, irreverent Art said...

thank you, they are done on 1/2 sheet watercolor paper.

Glamour/30’s style

We draw from old films on some Sundays,this is  From “The Man Who Knew Too Much”, Albert Hitchcock  we draw from old movies every other Sund...